
Friday, October 06, 2006

ازاى نخلف فى اربع دقائق

و انا بافطر النهارده مع الشغاله الجديده لقيتها ساكته و مكشره على غير عادتها... قلتلها : على فكره... كان عندنا واحده اسمها لوزه و واحده اسمها سكر ... احنا حانسميكى كاكاو
لقيتها ماضحكتش و لا علقت قلتلها : مالك...فى حاجه مدايأكى؟ ... الأكل مش حلو ؟... انت زعلانه ليه؟
قالتلى : لأ...مافيش... حاجه شخصيه كده
قلتلها: احكيلى ... عادى يعنى
قالت : اصل اخويه مش راضى باللى متأدملى
قلتلها: اده ... بجد ... فى حد عاوز يجوزك ( هى فى اواخر العشرينات ، من النوبه ، مطلقه ، عندها بنتين و عايشه لوحدها فى القاهره )... و اخوكى مش راضى ليه ؟
قالت : اصل الراجل متجوز و عنده عيال و عاوز انى مأعلنش عن الجوازه ... و اخويه مصمم انه لو الراجل ده عاوز يتجوزنى لازم يقول لعيلته و للناس كلها
قلتلها: الراجل المتجوز ده يمكن عنده ظروف أو أى حاجه و مايقدرش انه يعلن جوازه
قالتلى : أيوه... و بعدين أنا مش معقول حافضل مطلقه كده طول حياتى من غير راجل يخاف و اخاف عليه... أنا مش عارفه أعمل ايه
قلت: على فكره... أنت لو فعلا بتحبى الراجل ده و عاوزه تتجوزيه ماتخليش حد يمنعك ... هوه انتى اللى حتتجوزى ولا اخوكى
قالت: اخويه مش حاسس بيه خالص ... مش حاسس انى انا بتعذب كل يوم و عايشه وحدانيه... و بعدين هوه حد ما يصدق و أنا ست متطلقه يجيلو عريس فى الايام دى... و بعدين انا راضيه بيه و عاوزاه... مش عارفه اعمل ايه... ياترى ممكن اعمل ايه
قلتلها: لو الموضوع قفل ... يبقى اتجوزيه حتى لو اخوكى مش موافق
ضحكت ... و بعدين سكتت شويه... و بعدين قالتلى : انت مش فاهم

Thursday, October 05, 2006


The furor over the comment made by Cohanians’ Prime Minister about Lulu being a dog continues to grow, unleashing a torrent of rage that many fear could burst into violent protests all over the world.

In Frondland some 200 demonstrators stood outside the Lulonic Temple shouting: Die Tozy, die Tozy, die dog.
Today the Prime Minister received many threads from extremist that he will be beheaded soon.
Last night Cohanian officials were scrambling to defend the comments, saying they had never intended to offend Lulonics.

Lulu is one of the most powerful gods of Lulism, a religion with over 10 million believers living in the south west of Evia.

The International Lulonics foundation reacted angrily to the comments: This way of insulting the meditative peaceful religion Lulism by naming his dog Lulu will have negative consequences on him and the relation between us and the Cohanians.
A Lulonic said: We do not accept the apology through Cohanian channels we ask the Cohanian Prime Minister himself to offer a personal apology and to order all Cohanians to change their dogs’ names.

This crisis started during a speech, when the Cohanian Prime Minister Makaba Tozy said that he likes to punish his dog Lulu by throwing him in his swimming pool.

In the press conference he emphasized: If everybody went around causing a ruckus every time something they didn't agree with was said, the world would be in chaos.

Monday, October 02, 2006


عاوزين لما يأللعوك البنطلون يلائوك لابس كيلوت ابيض ، و ويلك لو أللعوك البنطلون ولائوك لابس بوكسر و بقلوب حمره ، لو أللعونى بقه البنطلون مش حيلائونى لابس حاجه

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Company

I took a long shower…I tried to get rid of all the tiny particles of dirt adhering to my skin…I shaved my beard although I do not like shaving… I wore my favorite jacket and tie…I put my extra hold gel on my hair and sprayed my expensive perfume all over my body... I looked in the mirror to check the way I smile… it has to be natural.

I went to the company…I thought I am going to be the first one there…but I found all my other colleagues in their top form standing in front of the company…waiting for the security guard to open the door.
They smiled to me…some gave me a very warm hug…and I smiled back.
Everyone was too polite to me and let me be the first one to enter.
While we were walking on the red carpet we could see beautiful flowers decorating the whole corridor…the place was very quiet.

A man I have never seen before came to my office and gave me a piece of chocolate cake and a cup of hot cappuccino. He smiled to me…I smiled back.
I started to write the report as fast as I can; he will come at any moment.
At 9:24 he was standing in the room.
Everyone looked to him and smiled…then they returned to their hard work.
Everyone was enthusiastically typing the reports to show how active they were.
When he was going out of the room some jumped from their places crying and begging him to stay. He told them he will come back.

When he closed the door some tore up the papers with the reports and others began to talk too loudly and confidently. A woman came to my desk with an unfriendly face…took the chocolate cake and ate it all. I looked for the cup of cappuccino but didn’t find it. A colleague was drinking it at the desk beside me. A man shouted to me: Light my cigarette immediately. I could not stand this anymore and ran out of the office. When I opened the door of the office I found some people putting the flowers in boxes and others rolling back the red carpet. Everyone was doing anything else but not working.
I wanted to go out of the building but the security guard stopped me violently. He whispered: If you want to go out today you have to give me all the money in your pocket. I punched the guard hard in his stomach and ran out searching for Mr. Ramadan to come back and rescue the company.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

This Life ain't worth living

I want to end my life…I never thought that I will think in that manner one day…but in my last 2 years the idea that your heart is just beating and your lungs are just being filled with air and your brain is so full with a mixture of dreams, ambition , memories and questions and something is stuck inside your body that makes you act and think the way you do but can’t go out…makes the person that is supposed to be me want to pull out a gun and just fire one shot to bring this continues headache to an end.
Life is hard…we all know that…but what can you do if your life is so complicated that you are sure you can not live it anymore…what can you do if you have tried for many years to find solutions for your problems but failed…what can you do if you do not find a single person that can understand you…what can you do if you find yourself an unwelcome alien within your own society…what can you do if you know that nobody can help you in this world...
Talk to god.

dedicated to walladshab

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Drawn Together

Forget South Park , forget The Simpsons , forget Sponge Bob Square Pants … this is one of the funniest and cleverest cartoon series I have ever seen…Drawn Together…imagine Big Brother but with Cartoon characters… 8 characters (Spanky Ham , Toot Braunstein , Foxxy Love ,Wooldoor Sockbat , Captain Hero , Ling Ling , Xandir and Princess Clara ) from different animation genres live together in a house with cameras to catch every moment in their lives…so we see these characters when they forget their moral values and show their real personality…the creators make jokes about reality show challenges … you will see some references to movies like Braveheart , The Lord of the Rings , Kill Bill , Titanic , the Matrix and other famous and not famous movies …you will also see some funny situations like in Survivor , The Apprentice, The real world , Super nanny…but they also talk about heavy subjects as anti – Semitism , rape, homosexuality , pre and post 9/11 , wars , abortion , sexual abuse , discrimination , violence , death and racism… in a satirical way… I never thought that cartoon could go that far… there was a scene where one of the characters wanted to have a plastic surgery in her vagina and every time the doctor makes a mistake she takes him back to the surgery room to make another vaginal transformation … so that I had to run to the toilet and vomit the food I just ate…because at the end the vagina had a mouth that could speak…and another scene where a character was so brutally killed that it was more disgusting than a killing scene in Scream … but the strange thing is that you just have to laugh … because it is so funny…so absurd…so extreme…and so unique

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

قائمة عبده قلقاس

ناكل شيشه

نشرب شيشه


تعليم أى كلام ، مدارس ، جامعات ، السان متتثقفش ، متتنورش ، متعرف حقوقها متهيجِش عليا

أجوع السان ، تبص على لقمة عيشها، تقعد عمرها تدورعلى رغيف عيش ، بدل تدور حاجات تانيه

أشعلل ماتشات الكوره ،الدورى ، الكاس ، مشاكل اللعيبه ، مدربين ، جهاز فنى ، السان تتشغل باللعب

أسمع التليفونات كلها، الاقى فيها حاجه ، لما عاوز اشد ودان حد من السان

امراض كتير ، يبقى هموم كتير ، حاجه يتقرفوا بيها بعيد عنا

صور البنات معاهم ، اوضاع مش و لا بد، اسكت حد فيهم

خليهم يصوصوا فى الشارع ، كل يوم ، صوتهم يتنبح ، استرخاء

الحاجات اللى فى الكمبيوترات بتاعت كل واحد فيهم، استخدمها ، اخليهم يخرسوا خالص ، هدوء

تصدر كل الأكل النضيف بره ، حرام نديه للسان الغلابه، الواحد يكسب برضه
تلفيقات تتجهز اول باول

نخللى السان غلبانه ، نلهى بفواتير التليفونات ، أنواع المحمول الجديده ، لازم تدفع فلوس كتير ، تفضل غلبانه

كوارث كتيره ، مشاكل ، السان مش فاضيه ، عندهم بلاوى
انطلاقه ثانيه و ثالثه و إلى الابد




كل حاجه



أنا بس

Sunday, September 17, 2006

هباب college أول يوم

رجعنا للهبل و العبط تانى...نفسى امسك ميكروفون و اقول للطلبه اللى لسه داخلين ياعينى و مشتاقين للكليه وحايموتوا يدخلوا المدرج و يبتدوا الدراسه و جايين من البيت أو الغيط بأنضف و أغلى و أجدد لبس عندهم... معلش يا طلاب... برضه بيئه... و مبسوطين مووت و الفرحه بتظأتط من عينيهم و من حتت تانيه برضه إن كل ده وهم خيالى ساينس فيكشن يا حبايبى يا شطار...انتم دخلتم الكليه برجليكم و ايديكم...انا طبعا ما كنش لييه نفس اروح اول يوم كليه... اصل انا بقالى نص قرن فيها و خللت خلاص بس قلت لما اروح اشوف صحابى و صحباتى عملين ايه... و بالمره اتفرج على الوجوه الجديده ... و من اول ما نزلت من البيت و دخلت الميكرويف ... قصدى الميكروبص ... جالى شلل عالطول ... السكه زحمه و الناس ريحتها مش ولا بد و و الطلبه ملزقه و معرقه و كل بت قال شايلالى مانديل فى ايدها ترطب بيها جبينها... و اول لما نزلت من الكفته بص ... لقيت نفسى فى الجيش... اصل الكليه كانت محاطه بعساكر ماعرفش ليه... كبر ...عادى عادى... و بعدين و انا ماشى فى الكليه لقيت طابور طاااووووييييل معرفش ايه ده ... عامل زى طابور الفراخ بتاعت الجمعيه قبل ما يجيلها فلونزا... صحيح ... اخبار فلونزا الطيور ايه... اكل فرخه و لا ما اكلش... اصل رمضان داخل كل سنه و انا و انت و ماما و بابا طيبيين... خلينا فى موضوعنا... المهم طلع الطابور ده مش اكل للطلاب الغلابه أو بتوع الاقاليم... طلع ان الطلاب حتموت و تدفع المصاريف... قال خلاص مافيش غير النهارده و لازم يدفعوا اللى فى جيوبهم...ده انا دفعت مصاريف ربع قرن فى يوم واحد...ما عندكم الايام الجايه و الرايحه كتير... مش ممكن تغيروا رأيكم و تطلعوا من الكليه... احلى حاجه انى شفت فى الطابور ده اول حالات نرفزه بناتى محجباتى و اول حاله اغماء طلابى من شده الزحام... ربنا يكون فى عون الطلبه و الطالبات ...و مانشوفكمش فى الايام الوحشه دى و كل عام و انتم ... و انتم ... بيخ

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Strong Pubic Hair

S cried when he was born. A also cried when he was born. When S was a child he drank milk. A also drank milk when he was a child. S played with the football in his childhood. A also played with the football. S gave his friend a gift. A also gave his friend a gift. S noticed his pubic hair growing. A also noticed his pubic hair growing. S ate ice cream. A also ate ice cream. S told his friend a joke and they laughed. A laughed when he heard a joke. A finished school. A graduated from the AUC. A has a wife. A and his wife dreamed of a nice trip. A and his wife were sitting in the bus. The soldier entered the bus to check the identities and talked to A. A talked with the soldier. A was taken to S. A and S were with the soldiers. S wanted A to kiss their shoes. S ordered a soldier to rip A’s pubic hair. A was beaten although he did not do anything wrong that day. B was also beaten although he did not do anything wrong that day. A studied philosophy. B never went to school and collected garbage. A’s inhuman story was told in the media. No one knows B and no one knows that B disappeared from planet earth. A , B and S are not letters. A , B and S are unexplained stories in Egypt that have to be told to be understood.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Wow,we did it.

A question for those who did it:Please tell me one advantage of your 9/11 attacks.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Crystal Ball

If you listen to this song with your eyes closed…you will feel a melancholic wave running under your skin…and if you listen to this song with your eyes opened…you will sing with its catchy and masterful chorus…this song will take you to another atmosphere…you will remember the magic of c-c that changed the world of music…do you know what c-c is...I am sure you will.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Loosing my Religion

You do masturbate in the bathroom because the door has a locker and you have constipation.
You do not go to college with a galabeya because we wear trousers.

You do not marry with the age of 18 because you are still a kid.
You do not talk to a strange girl in a bus because you are not a psycho.
You do not work for 1 year or more after high school because you have to go immediately and automatically to a college.
You do pray in a mosque because it is Ramadan or because you have exams.
You shave your beard because you have a job interview.
You do not go to a wedding party with a t-shirt on because you are not poor.
You give this guy the job because he is a son of your friend and you will need him one day.
You do not go to another place on earth because you have been born in a place called Egypt.
You do not have two or three wives because you do not have money.
You hate Israelis because they are Jews and all Jews are bad people.
You do not vote because it is better and easier to be passive.
You do not visit your neighbor without an appointment because he may be wearing a pajama.
You do marry a virgin because you want your penis to be the first one to enter the vagina. We have made a mixture of religion and tradition that really works…at least in our country.
We are killing ourselves to show the others the mercy of Islam…and we are not mercy to each other.
We are killing ourselves to teach the others the forgiveness of Islam…and we are not forgivable.
We are killing ourselves to enlighten the others about the peace of Islam…and we do not have the pursuit for peace.
We are killing ourselves to underline the fact that we are tolerant...and we do not tolerate the others or each other.

We are using parts of our religion in a way to reach our goals.

In a country named Egypt tradition plays the main role in our lives…it is so sweet like chocolate cake…but we like to put a white cream on the top of it to make it look nice…and delicious…so you have to eat it in one bite.
We do not have to beg the others to understand Islam…because we are the broken mirror of Islam ” please understand us…please listen to us…we are not terrorists…wallahy we are not fanatics…nia nia nia…bla bla bla …hello…hey…look at us…we are good…our religion is really really good…it is wonderful…it is magic…you just have to convert to Islam and you will see…I promise…"

I am living in a country where more than 70% of its citizens are atheists…and they are on the A list of most economically developed countries…which has one of the most respectable democracies…freedom… and lack of corruption.
We just say:“ well…the day will come when they go down and one day most of them will face their awful destination”…but they are enjoying their time and we are getting more and more depressed. Are we the winners because we are struggling?

Our religion has become an obstacle rather than guidance. Our religion has become an adjective for a whole nation and not a secretive belief for individuals.
My religion has become more important for you than yours. I do not want anyone to ask me…what my religion is…because this is not your business.

Friday, August 25, 2006

The End of the World

When I was young I thought I will live till the year 1996.
These thoughts started 1992 in a classroom with intelligent pupils and a talented storyteller…the religion teacher describing the horrific and shocking scenes of the final years of earth.
I believed in every word he said and the pictures of this day that I have imagined never came out of my mind.
I thought at that time that I will face that day…that I will experience every event of it.
The year 1996 came and I did not die…and I was happy… almost.
I tried to forget the possibility of facing my death through Armageddon…I even told myself that if it is going to happen in this century …it will happen after I die.
Surprisingly I am asking myself this question today: Am I going to see the end of days…is this the beginning of the final part of human history? The nature and human violence are playing the apocalyptical symphony of life…there is destruction all around the world…and people are racing to put their signature on the contract of “The End “.
First there is Palestine, and then Iraq, Lebanon, Syria …then Iran, America, Russia…then Korea, Japan, China and finally all will collide…or should we call it the war between the New Moslems and the 3rd generation of powerful Jews…which will be opened with a ceremony by Iran …or maybe the US will take the first step…
They taught me that there are small signs and big signs of the end of the world…and that all small signs do exist…almost.
I went to school…I studied hard…I tried to get the best marks…I wanted to go to the best university…I joined the best faculty…I studied for many years to graduate and to start my new job…I wanted to have a beautiful wife and beautiful children …I wanted to taste the ecstasy of sex…I wanted to have a house with a garden full of red and white roses…I wanted to do the Hajj and see my grandchildren grow…all what I have done were for nothing…should I begin to enjoy my life as much as I can…but it seems that it will never happen…planet earth will never see a peaceful day anymore.
The leaders know that this may lead to the World War III … but they do not care…they are like children…each kid is saying that the other kid took the toy from him…that the other kid touched him or spoke to him in a bad way...
After the Friday prayer I told Fufo El Masry: I think that the end of days may take 100 or 500 years to come…or maybe more.
He told me: this is just the beginning…each event will happen so fast…one after the other …that you will think it is just happening in one single day…yalla 2el7a2 etgawez.
For me this was not a funny joke…and after I left him on my way home with the bicycle…a car came and just hit me but I jumped from the bicycle and fell on the street…I do not remember what happened...I was injured …bruises in my arms and legs…people helped me to go home.
At that moment I remembered my last do3a2 in the prayer when I asked god for forgiveness and that I wish to go to heaven…I have made a lot of mistakes and very bad things in my life…this could have been my last words…this could have been my last day of life…this could have been the end of my world

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


To live here is like living in a lego land...everything is in order...everything is nice...everything is beautiful...the streets...the cars...I can finally breathe fresh I can work...I can concentrate...I can be productive...I can be creative...I can meditate...I can enjoy and live the real life...
I do not understand what we are doing in us us...and people here are developing themselves and enjoying their lives...are we crazy...I am sad that we are wasting our present time in self-destruction...and blaming our Gogo and Popo that they are the obstacle...if we really want to do something we can do it right now...the problem is...that when we do it...we do it in small groups...or as individuals...we have to do it together...and to have no fear...
we do not need to wait and get orders from Gogo or Popo or Momo...we do not need to have permission from Gogo or Popo or Momo...cause they do not exist...they are "us"and we have made them...we are just running in a vicious circle...hello...wake up...and just do what you want to do...cause this is how a revolution starts

could we have some style and beauty in our houses and buildings

could egypt be green like that

the nile shore...could it be like that

could we learn how to behave and to have some discipline

could we find real love in education and innovation

could we have a university like that

could I have a nice view from my window like that

or should I just wait for heaven

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Let's talk about SEX

Exclusive interview with FUFO El Masry

WS:How are you
FUFO: I am fine
WS:How is life here
FUFO:Well…not like I have expected
FUFO:Hard …especially after the terrorism-war-thing all over the world …oh…and you see now what could have happened with the airplanes they wanted to blow…living here is now a nightmare…and it is very boring
WS:By the way…mabrouk for the marriage
WS:So…tell me…how did you meet her
FUFO:In the disco…we talked…danced…she gave me her number…then we met several times …and after a while she became my girlfriend
WS:But why marriage? FUFO: I do not know
WS:Sure you know…what do you mean with I do not know…did you marry her to stay in this land…or to take the citizenship…or because you love her?
FUFO:She is the one I was looking for…and I wanted to have unforbidden sex
WS:Unforbidden sex…what do you mean with unforbidden…aha…you mean it is not forbidden…you mean it is religiously and traditionally not forbidden…but you had sexual experiences without marriage…and it is easier…so why have you changed your mind?
WS:He he he
FUFO:Yes…you know I have been raised in a religious conservative family in Egypt…and as you know it is impossible now to marry someone in my homeland…you already know the reasons I think…and I will not masturbate all my life till I marry or become infertile
WS:He he he…ok…you told your family?
FUFO:Not yet
WS: I see…so what are your plans?
FUFO: I do not know…I do not have any plans now. I am working in a restaurant
WS:But you told me that you came here to make your postgraduate studies…so what happened?
FUFO: I do not know…my life here sucks…thank god that I found my soul mate…look…this is her picture with me…and here is another picture of her
WS:Wow…no way…is this your wife...awesome…ya wallad…3ereft tena2y…yabn el la2yma…she is gorgeous…beautiful…she could be a model…or participate in miss universe…pure perfection…sexy body…golden yellow hair…beautiful face…beautiful eyes…beautiful smile…wallahy bravo 3alek
FUFO:But I am afraid she could get pregnant
FUFO:I do not want to have children in this land…in this society…and you know why…and I am not prepared for that step at all
WS:Do you use condoms?
WS:What…you are kidding …right?
FUFO:No… I am telling you the truth… I once used the condom and I did not feel anything during intercourse…she is taking something like a ring or so with hormones
WS:What is this…I never heard about this method of contraception
FUFO:Women know what they are doing
WS:But aren’t you afraid that one day she may forget to use it or that this method could have a high failure percentage
FUFO:That is why I am really worried…you know…condoms are very expensive here
WS: I could give you some…I bring them always from Egypt…they are made in China…3 condoms cost 1.5 pounds only
FUFO: I just said that I do not feel anything with condoms…and I have to tell you that I have a problem…I cum very late
WS:This is good…because then you can enjoy sex for a longer time
FUFO:No…she gets exhausted…because we never have the orgasm at the same time…so if I use condoms it will be worse
WS:You can use lubricants or sensitive forms of condoms
FUFO:I think I have to go to a doctor
WS:Ok…do you think now that marriage is easier here than in Egypt?
FUFO:Of course…you do not need anything to have legal sex…do you know that in our life together …each one of us pays 50% of everything…food…house…transportation…this is fair…plus women and their families here are not complicated like those in Egypt…khalehom ye3aneso fi masr WS:So what is your advice for the youth in Egypt?
FUFO:Instead of telling your parents all day and night that you want to marry,just tell them:
Mom…Dad… I want to have sex

Monday, July 31, 2006


Dear Mr. Shab, dear Mrs. Shab , dear family , dear everyone

11:09 pm
I am sitting in a dark and very loud internet café with teens playing video games…people talking with mics…others hearing music…trying to write as fast as I can ...cause every hour is very expensive here…

Mr.Shab…I did not like the way you talked to me on the phone…if you can not give me an advice... or help me …I think it is better for you and me to save the money and not talk…because I got depressed after the call…I did not want to do anything do not want to hear me complaining…you just want to hear positive things…well ok…do you want to know that my hair is falling dramatically…100-150
hairs/day…cool…isn’t it…I am absolutely happy cause now I do not have to go to the barbershop…do you want to know that my face is suddenly full of acne…cool…isn’t it…cause now I am attracting more girls…do you want to know that I have constipation…cool…isn’t it…cause now I do not have to fear diarrhea…and tell Mrs. Shab that she does not have to call me behind your back…saying “ are you ok baby “…or “ is everything ok baby “ or “ do you feel ok baby “…and then “ why are you hurting us wallad “…” why are you doing that to us wallad “…” I do not know what you are doing wallad “…

Mr. and Mrs. Shab...just call to know if I am still alive

your son

Now I am talking to myself…

I was very busy last week searching for a new place to stay in …and I found a very nice room in an apartment…and the owner agreed to give it to me but after 2 hours he called me and said that he gave it to another one…I do not know why he did that …or do I know…
The man repaired the bicycle…but every time my trousers and socks get dirty…
Everyday I sit in my room after a hard day of working …eating Nutella and drinking orange juice…watching CNN and BBC…seeing what is happening in the world…enjoying watching people killing each other…waiting for the end of days to come…and wake up to find the TV still open…then go to work…and so on…
But…and here comes the big fat BUT…this week is going to be totally different… you know why wallad…because I do not care anymore…I do not know what I am doing in life…I do not have a specific target…I do not have a near reachable goal…plus the future is not so promising…hey man…I am not a pessimistic person…on the other hand…I am a dreamer…and dreamers do not belong to this planet earth…I want to live on the clouds…

Breaking News: the owner of the room has sent me a message telling me that she is going to take legal actions against me ...she will sue me because I want to leave the room in spite of signing the contract...let's get ready for X T C

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Escape from Egypt

Dear mother,dear father,dear family,dear everyone

You all know what I have done to leave Egypt
I never believed in bad luck but that could be the headline of my first week.
I do not want to live on planet earth anymore.

1 The room is very hot ( like a sauna ) and the temperature outside is already 39
Michael told me it could be the effect of the heater of the whole building ,which is located downstairs.
2 The room is on ground zero ,which means anyone can see what is happening inside,they can see me while changing my clothes,they can see me eating and they can see me while I am sleeping
3 All the day the sun is shinig directly in my room which rises the temperature of the room to 45 , so I am sweating all the day .I tried to solve this problem by living with only my boxers on ,but all night I have to wake up evey hour to wash my face and body.
4 One of the biggest problems is this metallic thing they have put outside the window to prevent anyone entering the room,as a security safety,and it is like the door of a garage ,there are some small holes to let some air come inside the room,but all day and night the wind makes this metallic thing move which makes a very loud annoying noise .I can not stand that anymore.Even when I tried to close it completly , I could not breathe ,the room is very dark and it still makes that noise.
5 The fridge does not have a freezer ,and this is my major problem here ,because the only thing I eat here are fish fingers,ice cream and frozen vegetables,and I have to put these things in the freezer,Michael told me they never had that problem and that I have to buy my food everyday from the supermarket but even so I can not eat all the package of fish,ice cream or vegetables in one day , and you can not imagine how hot the weather is, I need to put my drinks in the freezer.
6 The bathroom does not have a lock,well it is not that big issue if someone enters the bathroom while I am taking a bath.
7 Although the room is very big but I feel it is very empty,very depressing and very dark.I do not enjoy a second in this room.
8 In all these coming events you have to put in your mind that the weather was horrible and hot like hell and that the sun was shining all the day long burning my skin and boiling my head.
As you know I wanted to buy a bicycle because the tram and buses are very expensive,to go anywhere I have to pay for every ride 2 euros ,which means approximately 15 pounds,and everyday I need to go from home to the place I work ,then to downtown,then back home,that means 45 pounds traffic a day,and on fridays I have to go from home to work,then to downtown,then to the mosque at the border of the city,then back to downtown,and then back home,that means 75 pounds traffic,so I went to search for a cheap bicycle,but all bicycles they sell are very expensive,100 euros ,80 euros,130 euros,and all the day I was searching in this hot weather with record temperature,until I have found someone in the end of downtown selling a bicycle with 50 euros,so I took it from him with 40 euros,then after 2 minutes there was no air in the back wheel,so I walked back to him,he fixed it and I drove heading home which is located 7 km from the shop.On my way back the back wheel was empty again of air.I did not know what to do so I walked with the bicycle the 3 km left back home ,on my way I was searching for someone to repair it but all shops were already closed.The next day I went with it to someone to repair it but he wanted 25 euros,I asked him if he wants to buy my bicycle but he said no.These 2 days I had to use the tram to go to work,and I went to the man who sold me the bicycle and he did not want to give me the 40 euros back till he sees the broken bicycle himself.I then have met a friend of mine which told me that her friend does have an old bicycle which she does not want anymore,so I went with her to her friend,I took the bicycle which was somehow broken,but she told me it is ok ,you just have to drive slowly and nothing will happen,so I thanked them and I drove my way home when the bicycle did not want to work anymore,it was already night and I tried to fix it,but I could not,so I walked with the bicycle 4 km home.On the next day which was friday I tried to fix the bicycle before going to work,and I somehow succeded,but on my way it got broken,so I left it,went to work,and took it after work to someone to fix it,he told me he wants 30 euros,I left it in downtown,took the tram to the mosque,then back to downtown,then to home,took the old bicycle,then took the tram back to downtown,then walked with the bicycle to the man,had with him a little fight,then took the 40 euros back and with the other bicycle to the other man to fix it.He said ok and that I can take it at the end of next week.At that point I collapsed and told him my whole story,I begged him to fix my bicycle but he was cold as stone and did not want to help me.One of the workers saw my tears falling from my eyes like rain so he gave me another bicycle and said I can use it until they finish repairing my bicycle.
9 I have broken my eyeglasses
10 One of my shoes is broken
11 To wash my clothes one time I have to pay 2.5 euros so I decided to wash my clothes by myself
12 All of my friends have their final exams now and no one is free for me
13 Michael will leave after 3 weeks so I will have to live alone which I do not like
14 I can not concentrate in my work at all
15 I do not know what to eat so I am eating Nutella all the day,and I have lost 5 kilos in one week
16 I take a shower sometimes more than 3 times a day
17 Michael is a very nice person who understands all the things I suffer and is trying to help me as far as he can
18 Thank you Michael for the welcome party…your friends are very nice

your son

This was the letter I have written to my family...boing boing boring
by the way...what is the best way to end my life

the welcome party