طابور ايه يا عم

I saw the movie Paradise Now...at last...a fair film about the Palestine- Israeli conflict...internationally it is well know because it won the Golden Globe for best foreign film...but this film has to be shown in the arab world...in every school and university...it is a clear message to the unchangeable minds of fanatics...it shows the last 24 hours of the lives of two Palestinian men before they blow themselves in Israel...can you imagine that the dialogue between Khaled and Suha sums the whole problem and the solution of this endless war...but where are the people who listen...think...and understand
I was surprised that all the people on the street were waiting for the solar eclipse to come...everyone was trying to take a glimpse of the event...with or without dark sunglasses...I have put a filter to make the pictures more visible and clear...everyone passing beside me was asking if I can see something...I was happy that I was not alone waiting for 2 hours to see the eclipse...I did not know that there were eclipse chasers here in Egypt...by the way I have a burning sensation in my eyes
This was the atmosphere in Egypt during the eclipse
More than 5 hours continuous rain...I am stuck in Tahrir...I want to go home...I want to drink hot chocolate...
Brain storming in this sudden event :
people running...
people hiding...
plastic bags...
swimming pool...
traffic jam...
no taxi...
Hey…I am not Dr. Dolittle here…when I came today from college I found this sick bird…I do not know why the bird is sitting in front of my door…may be she has flu…and seeks medical advise…or she saw the mass destruction of her fellow birds and has depression…I do not know what to do with this bird…do I have to call the emergency and the ministry of health to come and get this bird away from my door and disinfect the whole area…then take me and make a full check up examination … or should I try it by myself…or should I wait for days and she will probably fly away…I am confused
Now I know why some people can stand the magnificent condition we are living in…you want to forget your nice wife…your nice kids…your nice boss…your nice job…your nice financial condition… go to places like this…a nice café in Tahrir …alone or with friends if you want… you can drink …chat… eat chips and if you have luck you may find a good sweet company ,-) …until you do not know where you are
Poor people…looking to the CTA…it was hot today…really hot…and everyone in this public bus wished to be in that other bus…me too…the bus with seats…with ventilation ...but we can not afford it…it is very expensive for us…it costs 2 whole pounds…we better stand with the nice crowd, suffer for 2 hours with the beautiful traffic pollution and body smell and save 1.5 pounds for our happy future
I never thought in my life that I could kill someone…it was yesterday in a big fight with a man working in the supermarket…I am sick of telling the whole boring story of people being rude and aggressive to me…or that I may be too sensitive ( I am not )…it is just that during the fight I wanted to beat him …then to choke him or to bring a knife and stab it in his neck…but people in this country like to participate in fights…passively or actively…in my case people from the street and another man form the supermarket caught me tightly and brought me outside the supermarket…tried to calm me down…but at home I took the knife and made more than 40 bruises in a carton box for mineral water while shouting with my loudest voice “ die …die…die…die…die…die “…and I am planning for my revenge…and I am planning for my revenge
Today I saw this great movie
First of all it is not a film for everyone…some will like it…other will not like it at all
It is about passion…anger…rage…pain…loneliness…loss and the truth of human relations
I do not know why I remembered the story of Romeo & Juliet while I was watching…maybe because of the forbidden love and the very sad end…
Every scene is like a magical detailed portrait you will never forget…every single shot has a deep meaning…every single move of the actors are planed to make the effect of this movie work…and every word in the dialogue is so intelligently written that you will enjoy watching the movie again and again
The acting was amazing by Jack Gyllenhaal and Michelle Williams but the star is Heath Ledger who made the best performance of his life.
It is a cultural phenomenal film that shows how real love can be tough and very painful in this world.
Nominated for 8 Oscars 2006
Best Picture
Best Actor (Heath Ledger)
Best Supporting Actor (Jake Gyllenhaal)
Best Supporting Actress (Michelle Williams)
Best Cinematography
Won Oscar for Best Director (Ang Lee)
Won Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay (Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana)
Won Oscar for Best Original Score (Gustavo Santaolalla)
I think he reached the record...I do not know how many days...or maybe weeks...he walked...walking walking walking...I joined him and found out that he has a special track...and he keeps on walking in circles...no matter what is going on around him...but of course he takes a break to eat...and another break to sleep...we still do not care...so keep on walking...and good luck