
Monday, June 05, 2006

Sugarcane is for drinking

These are Egyptians crossing the street in Ramsis…B U T...they have to walk in a straight line…like ants ( not sheep as usual ) ... when the gate is closed ... Egyptians have to stay and wait…and wait…and wait…till they open the gate…to cross to the other side…and be free...but late...the gate is closed ... and ants will then be squeezed by cars...with no mercy

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Look at this side of the coin

Sven tried several times to make many Egyptians understand that there is a difference between the American authority/government and the American citizens, and that America is not the devil, but Egyptians say that those people were dumb and have chosen their president so they are responsible for what is going on all around the world in the name of “war against terrorism”, so I found this nice “sorry-everybody” book where a lot of Americans apologize for not being able to change USA to make it and the rest of the world a better place…

… at least they have chosen someone

Saturday, June 03, 2006

...and leave the other side

I do not know if I am the only one who recognized that in Good Morning America .The moderator: “and now we will go to a mother, who serves in Iraq…and we will show her the most beautiful thing on mother’s day.”
Then via satellite they showed her two children, 9 years old boy and his brother. They let them talk to their mother who was happy to see them. After 2 minutes of conversation I heard a woman behind the camera whispering the 9 years old boy and telling him: “cry, cry now cry “… so the boy tried to act as if he was crying, he may have trained for days to cry in front of the camera but on air it was so fake that I had to laugh…I could not believe myself...his mother in Iraq said: "I'm doing ok, don't cry baby. Dad's here, too. Don't cry sweetie. … He's proud of you, too. So you all keep on behaving and doing well until I get back."…the moderator then said:" oh... how moving ." Is this the end of the American media-manipulation ( very big question mark )...

they should take private lessons from our media correspondent

Friday, June 02, 2006


يا رب بابا يجيبلى بلاى ستاشن

يا رب مراتى تتعلم الطبيخ

يا رب سلوى توافق بقه

يا رب الراجل يرقينى

يا رب الزمالك ياخد الدورى

يا رب شعرى ميقعش اكتر من كده

يا رب ماسقطش السنادى

يا رب الاحوال فى مصر تتصلح


يا رب تغفر لى كل ذنوبى

يا رب تحفظنى من كل سوء

يا رب تحبب خلقك فيه

يا رب تبعد عنى المرض

يا رب تطول فى عمرى لكى اعبدك كثيرا

يا رب تطول فى عمر والدى و والدتى

يا رب تجعلنى بارا بوالدى و والدتى

يا رب توعدنى بالزوجه الصالحه الباره الجميله

يا رب توعدنى بالاولاد الصالحين البارين

يا رب ترزقنى رزقا كريما

يا رب توعدنى بالحج و العمره

يا رب تبعد عنى عذاب القبر

يا رب تبعد عنى عذاب النار

يا رب تدخلى الجنه بغير حساب أو عذاب

يا رب تدخلنى الفردوس الأعلى من الجنه مع الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Today there was a very big fire in a building ( or something )near my house… people were running and screaming in the street…there was chaos … why… because - as usual - everyone wanted to see what was happening… there was smoke all over the area... and there was this smell of burned plastic...Egyptians have to realize that these critical situations are not like movies or football matches to watch …free the way to make special helpers able to reach the spot

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

ليه لماذا نذاكر ؟

خلاص المذاكره مقطعه بعضها و حنقطع الكتب و نعمل بالورق محشى و نكله هم هم هم ... كنت عيان فرحت اكشف عند الدكتور فلقيت الولد ده اللى فى ثانويه فى العياده جايب معاه الكتب علشان مايضيعش وقت ... خلاص بقينا فى الامتحانات و كل دقيقه ... لأ كل ثانيه و فيمتو ثانيه ممكن تغير مستقبلنا ... اصلهم لسه ماشفوش حاجه ... خلص يابنى الثانويه ديه و ابقى وارينى ازاى حتخش الكليه اللى انت عاوز تخشها ... اه سوررى ... نسيت اللى انت زى زمايلك مش عارفين لسه عاوزين تدخلوا ايه ... انا برضه كنت زيكم كده بالظبط ... ياله ... خلاص هانت ... وتطلعوا كلكم من الشطار الاوائل إن شاء الله و تفرحوا ماماهتكم و باباهتكم و المجتمع كله ... و تتفوقوا كمان فى الكليه و متبقوش عواطل ... ايه يابنى! ... عاوز تعرف يعنى ايه عواطل؟ ... عواطل جيه من العطول ... و مصدرها عطل ... زى العطل الفنى... أو العطل الميكانيكى ... روحت مره عند الميكانيكى؟ ... لأ ؟ ... مش مهم ... خلينا فى موضوعنا ...هو ايه موضوعنا... يا اخى ناسيتنى ... ياله... هيللى بيللى يا بطاطا فسى يلا يا بطيخ و ربنا يوفقك يابنى

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Give me a hug have forgotten the taste of chicken miss you Oh la la dress of Haifaa Wahby fantastic not only the dress Armageddon coming soon Please turn the light on off do not remember if I have put x on the 5th question or not yes no no yes oh no I knew the answer exam was hard hey Sherif Volcano and earthquakes Amr Diab this summer do you think so Global warming Christ the last world war need to buy new white socks black Iran will go to Cilantro then to the Cinema Ps ps ps what is your Name yes you Good night

Monday, May 29, 2006

We are not human anymore

Breaking news : Scientist recently discovered an outbreak of the deadly virus “psychon” in Egypt . Officials say the mode of transmission may be via watching TV especially Al-Jazeera and Al- Arabia , reading newspapers especially Sout El Oma and El Fagr , walking in down town especially in Tahrir and Ramsis , chatting with ordinary people and surfing the net especially in Egyptian blogs. Symptoms are still not clear and include headache , dizziness, deep depression , crying with hallucinations , suicidal attempts and simultaneous diarrhea and constipation .Incubation period may be 3 minutes to 2 hours and authorities say they will never find a vaccine in the near future.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Lina Ahmed Al Fishawy

اوبه... مروه حامل
انا نفسى مره اورى الناس إن مش دايما الجواز العرفى بيبقى فاشل و علشان كده حاخد بالى من مروه و البيبى اللى جاى و اتحمل المسئوليه
ييييه ، ده انا ماصدقت و التزمت دينيا و قربت اكتر لربنا علشان اتوب تيجى مصيبه مروه ديه و تفضحنى بجلاجل... الناس مش حتسيبنى فى حالى ، هوه ما حدش من صحابى عاوز يروح معايا الجامع نصلى ليه
انا بحبك يا مروه بس ماما و بابا بيقولولى انك تدبيسه و حتلزاقيلى و لازم مورطش نفسى مع واحده زيك و إلا حيتبروا منى و مش حبقى خلاص ابنهم طول العم
انا ليه مالبستش توبس ، ده انا اضرب نفسى ميت جازمه لو المرات الجايه مالبستش توبس
نفسى اهاجر لجزيره فى اخر الدنيا فيها ناس ماتعرفنيش ، بس مش حاقدر اهرب من هنا علشان الناس هنا كلها عارفانى
وا و ... أنا حبقى أب ، معقول حبقى أب ، أنا حاطير من الفرحه يا مروه ، ده انا بموت فى العيال... عاوزه تسمى البيبى ايه
بصى يا مروه ، احنا نتجوز رسمى فى السريع و بعدين تولدى عادى ولا من شاف و لا من دارى كإن مافيش حاجه حصلت
حرام والله ، بابا و ماما و الناس و الدنيا كلها ضدى ، طب خلاص غلطت و اللى حصل حصل ، نفسى فى حد ، حد واحد بس يقف جانبى ، مش معقول اتحمل نتيجه مجتمع مصرالازدواجي ده لوحدى
اوف ، كل الناس عماله تقوللى يا اخى ما كنت تتجوز على اصوله احسن ، طب انسى انى انا مشهور ، انا واحد عادى بحب واحده ، قولت لبابا و ماما انى عاوز اتجوزها ، قالولى انت لسه صغير يا حبيبى ، مش لما تكبر الاول ، و بعدين تلاقى شغل ، و بعدين تجيب شقه ، و بعدين تشوف طلبات عيليتها ، و بعدين ... قولتلهم بس ، كفايه كده ، كل ده علشان اتجوز واحده ، طب انا مش عاوز اتجوز خالص ، خلينى احسن مع السليفيليشان

Saturday, May 27, 2006

لقمة القاضى

نا نا نا نا نا
يقدروا يقبضوا على ناس كتير، بس مايقدروش يقبضوا على الشعب كله
السورطه ميس فى خدمه السعب
المصريين: انتم الشريريين
المصريين التانيين:لأ انتم الاشرار
المصريين:لا انت وحش
المصريين التانيين: يعنى انتى حلوه يعنى؟

Egyptian war for stupidity

Kids: We wanna play wawa ai

هوه فيه ايه؟
تتصور معرفش
طب هوه ايه هدفنا؟
برضه معرفش

يبدوا ان هذا القرن اكثر تخلفا من القرن الماضى

ربنا فوق كل شىء

Friday, May 26, 2006


Today I watched a nice documentary film on AL- Jazeera channel about blogging in Egypt...and how it is a new source of truth in the Egyptian community… a window to the whole world to see what is really happening in Egypt…there are blogs about day-to-day adventures... political issues… religious issues…arts…and personal opinions…nowadays many Egyptian youth in the blogspace are facing dangerous threats and critical obstacles…oooops…have I mentioned that…oh my god...delete this sentence immediately…delete it...too late...has been published

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mission:to enter

A girl wants to find her future husband, what can she do in our in in wedding in Moqatam…search in the in in the your dreams...

The girl finds a cute nice guy standing with his friends in the club...she goes to him

Girl: Hi
Boy: yes, hi
Girl: what is your name?
Boy: Ahmed, and you
Girl: Sarah
Boy: nice name Sarah, what do you study
Girl: well...I study...

wiiiiiick....back to reality

Girl: hi
Boy: hmm, hi
Girl: what is your name?
Boy (thinking: who is this silly dumb girl): Ahmed, why?
Girl: ummm...nothing...hummm...ok, my name is Sarah,...
Boy (she is not pretty): ...and????!!!!

Girl: I just wanted...oh..I am

Tries to find someone who may know him, or a closer friend: mission failed: not will take a long time baby
Tries to tell him in an indirect way, eye contact , nice smile: mission failed: will think you are one of the crazy girls of today
Send him a message that you are interested: mission failed: blah...yuk...who wants to know a girl this way

Immediately join the club of Egyptian bachelors: Mabrooouk: mission are single

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


What do you do if you open your computer in the morning and find it another one,yes another display,other programs,most of your data and personal stuff are missing or altered,strange feeling isn't it,today I was speechless,opened my mouth and just stared at the new strange monitor view,wrote these words and shut my computer off

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

To die

I want to be Superman
to fly away from earth
to fly to outer space
to freedom
to peace
to the infinite place
to leave the wars behind
to leave the grief beside
and leave the mankind