EgypToz: Pics of a nice sit in Tahrir square

Friday, March 17, 2006

Pics of a nice sit in Tahrir square

I just came from Tahrir and saw an amazing picture

the lights in the square were closed…that is why the pictures are very dark…and I am sad that I did not meet Alaamanal ... I am a big fan

There are citizens who say that the condition in this country will always be the same…and it will never ever change…

and there are other citizens who say that the condition in this country can be changed if they do something…so they planed for the sit in Tahrir square and it was nice that some people took part in an event like that…at least they have done something ...hmmm...haaa...fffffmmm...aha..but the condition did not change


Anonymous said...

nice blog ya basha. I am an egyptian living abroad, far away, but you are now in my favourties list, keep it up and take more random pics

El ghorba wehsha aslaha:)

WS said...

thanx ya man...I am speechless...enta bas otlob...we7na ta7t amrak

nasi7a men mokhles: khaleek fel ghorba a7san

Ibn ad Dunya said...

Keep up the good work!

Beaverton Interracial Dating said...

Awesome blog you have heere

Fuck Buddy New South Memphis said...

It's inspiring to see citizens taking action, even if things haven't changed yet.