EgypToz: Copy me

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Copy me

I went to copy a whole Textbook…and because it has lots of pages…I searched for a cheap place to copy…until I found that place…so the lady told me go eat or drink something and then come back after 30 minutes…so I did…but I came after 10 minutes…and she was just copying my Textbook…she was really fast…making a rhythmic automatic movement-which is lifting the hand up, then putting the thumb in the mouth, take some sputum (but only some) then moving the arm down in direction Textbook and at the same time pushing the key “Copy” and finally hitting the face of the book to the surface of the copy machine ( like wrestling )-but my Textbook survived…with some bruises , many kinked papers and of course she gave all the papers her unique fingerprints with a touch of some delicious microorganisms from her mouth…I am honored...I had to give her in the end 23 pounds ...and when I came home today I found out that she missed copying some pages...thank you very very much

Copy…copy…copy…everything here is being copied…why …because we can not have the original…why…because it is expensive…and because it is easier to do nothing and just copy…we make the other countries of the world work hard to do these things and we copy…we copy movies…music…CDs…books…papers…exams…lessons….clothes and even trends…I remember how it was difficult for me in a foreign country to find a place to copy a Textbook…and I had to copy the things myself…and it was also expensive …well…here we have plenty of time to copy…not only that…we have pretty ladies just copying that for you…even the store owner could not think for a better name but " copying files 6 piasters " , what a wonderful name


Mo'men said...

very true

we are not original , we are a copy-cat nation

hey, I even copied one of your posts !!! but out of respect of course

WS said...

;-i really... I know,thank you very much